Friday, December 14, 2012

Physical Cliff

Our physical cliff is a combination of higher pitches and reduced horizontality...
A couple of inches of snow came to Yosemite Valley Wednesday night and it's staying on the ground, at least in the shady areas.
The skies are meant to be off and on cloudy/wet the next few days. This could make for a damp Christmas Bird Count this weekend, the 16th, but the birds aren't going anywhere so we'll count whatever we see. Contact our compiler at if you're interested in participating in this grand citizen science project. Yosemite's count has been tops in the nation more than once in recent years, for numbers of white-headed woodpeckers and Williamson's sapsuckers. We have superb woodpecker habitat in our diverse forests.

Light quantities of frazil ice have been observed flowing in Yosemite Creek the past couple of mornings. Overnight mist-ice accumulations on the wall of Upper Yosemite Fall has led to loud booms by mid-morning as huge flakes peel off in the sunshine and start accreting into the snowcone.
XC skiing at Badger Pass opens this weekend, on 12 inches of new snow. The slopes need a bit more depth, still. We've had plenty of storms but the snowline has been high, almost as if the climate were changing...

1 comment:

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