A turkey vulture flew over Yosemite Village, about 100 meters up, at 7:30 this morning. Especially on this cold, snowy sun-up, I take this to mean that the vulture roosted in Yosemite Valley rather than soaring upcanyon on thermals from lower elevation - something new for our neighborhood. Will condors be next?
More frazil ice formed up in Yosemite Creek this morning, covering all the channels and scouring more forest terrain of its natural duff. A good volume of slurry flowed into the Merced River. Frazil flowed in Ribbon Creek, too, and it went downstream of Northside Drive for the first time this season.
The handful of planted redbuds in Yosemite Valley are blooming; they endured a taste of snow overnight. Dogwoods are making progress, with some 'blossoms' up to 10 cm across and just starting to turn white.