Tioga Road is not open to vehicles, but people have been traveling it all winter on skis, snowshoes and splitboards. More snow is accumulating this week, but we know it won't last long. NPS road crews have plowed from Crane Flat up to the White Wolf intersection, through an average of 7 feet of snow. Cyclists should soon be permitted to ride from Crane Flat up the highway a few miles - but be wary of administrative and maintenance traffic that may not be expecting you, and don't go beyond the marked closure points, even if you see bare pavement. Besides heavy equipment, there are avalanche dangers up here, too.
I stopped near the park's high-tech Wastewater Treatment Plant in El Portal this morning and noted four species of swallows in flight there: barn, rough-winged, cliff and violet-green. It's good to be an aerial insectivore at this time of year.
this spring is gonna be great! i was supposed to be in housekeeping as of yesterday but had to cancel. *sigh* wish i was there.