A more usual sequence of wintery storms has returned to the Sierra after so many weeks of dry, mild weather. Wildflowers in the lower Merced Canyon have had to endure extra-frosty mornings and a few doses of snow, even down to 2000.' Today we're in-between snows, with warm-ish, sunny conditions. A few inches of snow still cover the Valley floor, but creeks will come up as the sun converts the snow coverage to run-off. More snow and rain arrive tonight. We expect another set of high elevation snow survey data soon.
Frazil ice continues to appear in Valley locations, with our above average run-off and cold overnight lows. We don't generally see it this early in the season, but this year is different. Maybe its abundant apparitions are a result of the popularity of the video. As April draws closer, we may try to post frazil forecasts here. These can only work 2-3 days ahead, when we get good temperature forecasts from NWS.
Yosemite has come to life indoors, in the form of the Yosemite Renaissance art exhibit in the Museum Gallery, next to the Valley Visitor Center. There were 578 entries submitted, and just the best 42 qualified to be displayed for our enjoyment. Come see the varied pieces between now and early May; pretty inspiring.
i am so sad not to be there for many reasons but the yosemite renaissance is one.